Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today has been pretty stressful for me, but it's been a good day for the most part. Russell and I have applied to be married RAs next year, and our interviews were today. I was so nervous!!! In the interview I had to do a short presentation on how I can make a difference in Snow College on-campus housing. This is the poster I made—I’m pretty proud of it, I’m not going to lie! :) But at least the interview is over now…. Everyone cross your fingers for me!

As far as my classes go, this week has been insane! I’ve had to turn in several assignments as well as taking three midterms. I still have one midterm to go, but I’m feeling a lot better about life now that I've crossed a lot of things off of my to-do list!

This weekend I’m really excited to go home and go to my little brother’s birthday party! He’s turning 13 on Sunday and I can’t believe he’s so old. I haven’t bought him a present yet, but I’m seriously considering purchasing a cane…

Anyways, I hope everyone has had a fantastic week!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So Much To Do!

This week has gone by so fast! As I look at my to-do list I feel really overwhelmed. But I'm just taking it one thing at a time hoping that I'll be able to finish everything in time. :)

Yesterday I was the head teacher in the Little Badgers Early Learning Center for the first time. I was really stressed, but I think it went quite well. :) I had to plan nine different activities that the kids could do as they wanted, as well as be in charge of a circle time and create a letter and postcard for each of their parents. I felt pretty good about it, but my favorite part is that it's over now! :D

Today I just feel exhausted! I have lost my voice and I can barely keep my eyes open. Being in class from 5:15-10:30 is definately going to be a challenge tonight!

That's all for this week! I hope everyone has a great day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Day! :D

This week has been pretty eventful for me. School is keeping me way busy and I am exhausted! But life is great. :D I have a little story I'd like to share with you.

Last night I was in my room minding my own business when Russell came over and asked if I wanted to go to dinner. Even though I had tons to do I said yes because I was pretty much starving. So we went out to Snow Dragon and it was way tasty!

At 9:00 we went to a movie at the theater. We watched it and when it was over I got up and put my coat on, but Russell just stayed sitting there. So I asked him if he was ready to go and he just kind of looked at me and said, "Don't you like to stay and see what's after the credits?" I told him that there most likely wasn't anything, but I stood there waiting anyways. I just thought he was being weird......but I waited anyways. So then the credits ended and I was like "Are you ready now?"

And then music started and I looked up and saw a special video made just for me playing on the big screen. :) It had tons of pictures of all the crazy things we've done together and little messages that went along with them. I may or may not have started crying a little. ;) When the movie ended Russell said some really sweet things to me and got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. :) The ring is so pretty, I love it! I was so surprised that I totally forgot to tell him my answer for a few minutes....

Anyways, my buddy Jake told me that Russell must love me a whole lot if he was willing to put his knee on the nasty theater floor. :) I thought that was funny! I definately didn't see that coming, I was shocked! I was shaking so bad and I just couldn't stop! So pretty much it was a great night besides the fact that I couldn't sleep at all! The end.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Confess!

This week has been fantastic! I have been really busy, but at least it's almost the weekend. I'm not going to lie, my brain feels dead and I am having a hard time thinking of something to write about. I have a little confession to make....I may or may not be addicted to Facebook. A few days ago I was on Facebook and saw that I had been "tagged" in a note. My first response was, "Dang it! Now I have to respond to this and tag my friends..." Naturally, being the addict that I am I felt that I had that responsibility. So I followed the directions and started writing random things about me. As it turns out I had a lot of fun! So now, if you promise not to judge me then you can read my list and learn some cool things about me! :) If you can't promise not to judge me then I would suggest you stop reading right now!

Here goes....

1) I can't stand it when my roommates use my butter.

2) I enjoy wiggling my nose at teachers in the middle of class, and at the bishopric during sacrament metting.

3) Sometimes I practice pulling faces in the mirror when nobody is around, and sometimes I do it when people are around.

4) I color coordinate my closet so my shirts are easy to find.

5) I love to wear basketball shorts and t-shirts.

6) My freshman year of college was the first time I ever really wore "real" clothes, and it only happened on Fridays.

7) I love spinning in washing machines.

8) I'm the proud owner of 4 "I'm Thinking' Arbys" hats.

9) I never liked playing with dolls.

10) I love playing sports of almost any kind (but I'm not a fan of soccer).

11) I love to go backpacking and have been on top of Nebo at least six times. The first time I went was when I was 12, and I was with a troop of boy scouts.

12) I hate it when my food touches!

13) In my 5 years of driving, I have driven a truck and two minivans.

14) I have been popcorning.

15) I love my light-up frisbee.

16) I never wear black to funerals and I expect everone to wear bright colors to my funeral when I die someday.

17) My left foot is a 1/2 size bigger than my right foot.

18) I love to wear my black Nike hat.

19) I once ran a stop sign and cut off a cop....and I didn't get a ticket.

20) Hotchima Botchima is my favorite game in the whole world!

21) I love bright colors.

22) I keep my earings in ice cube trays so I can always see them easily.

23) I love candy and ice cream.

24) I have special spoons to eat ice cream with because I'm really cool.

25) One of my biggest pet-peeves is when dishes are piled up in the sink with nasty food on them. I ALWAYS rinse and stack my dishes if I'm not going to wash them that second!